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Futureproofed solutions.

Advanced photonic, robotic & motion based technologies for next level factory automation

Battery Manufacture

In the process of manufacturing batteries, tasks involving electrodes, cells, and EV battery packs are executed with great accuracy and consistency using laser systems. These digitally controlled lasers do not physically touch the material during any stage of the process, allowing for the careful handling of delicate materials and preventing harm to unprocessed areas. Novanta excels in this area by providing a wide variety of products to this application area, including laser sources, beam steering, and tailor-made scanning heads These can be supplied as separate components or as part of integrated sub-systems, together with our robotic tool changing technologies which are widely used in this area.

Additive Manufacture

Laser additive manufacturing is a revolutionary production technique that uses lasers to construct three-dimensional objects layer by layer. This process involves the use of a laser beam to melt and solidify material in a powder bed, based on slices of a corresponding three-dimensional computer-aided design (3D-CAD) model. It offers unprecedented precision, efficiencies, and possibilities in the manufacturing industry, enabling new approaches in product design and is transforming the landscape of production. Read here about how Novanta’s lasers and beam steering technologies are powering this groundbreaking industry.

Humanoid Technology

The production stage of Humanoids is anticipated within the next ten years, with safety standards already well defined. Looking further ahead we could see humanoids entering homes to assist with routine tasks in the following 15-20 years.

Pioneering companies are faced with complex hardware challenges, including developing more advanced actuators for precise movement and creating more robust and power-efficient systems. Read more about how Novanta provides todays humanoid developers and factories with advanced motion and force torque technologies that helps solve these complex challenges.

Industry 4.0

Programmable laser and robotic technologies are driving a revolution in factory automation. From product manufacture, to robotic logistics to automated packaging, the convergence of IT with factory operations and programmable, multi utility robotic production technologies is enabling lower costs, increased flexibility and mass customization of products. Novanta technology is embedded deeply into many of these application areas – from our RFID modules and precision motors in logistics robots, across to the latest laser perforation technologies in packaging and converting industries.


As the world continues to demand increasingly advanced semiconductors to power everything from appliances and airliners to autonomous cars and artificial intelligence, so the demand increases on manufacturers to improve efficiencies and throughput of the production of semiconductor components.
You’ll find Novanta technologies powering many of the next generation of semiconductor manufacturing processes – from ultra high performance metrology lasers and beam scanning solutions across to our XYZ positioning mechanisms and high speed motor technologies.


The solar photovoltaic market is experiencing robust growth, being driven strongly by renewable green energy targets and new building regulations. Large-scale solar farms are being developed to meet energy demands and renewable targets, while ongoing R&D is leading to more efficient solar panels and advances in battery technology. Novanta brings a series of manufacturing technologies to this market, including the latest laser scribing technologies that are helping to unlock efficiency gains in this important and rapidly expanding sector.


Micromachining is a precision manufacturing process that involves creating extremely small parts and complex features at the micron scale, often using lasers, high speed positioning technologies. This application is driven by the need for miniaturization of components, across a wide spectrum of industries including healthcare, electronics, aerospace and e-mobility. Novanta holds deep proprietary expertise in a series of manufacturing technologies that underpin this application, including our proprietary zero taper micro laser drilling systems, and our ultra high speed air bearing motor drilling technologies.

  • New
    Aura P Optical Encoder

    Aura P

    An SMT, high-resolution absolute encoder in a PCBA package.

  • New

    Versia 14

    Our latest 2 axis laser scanner packing all the benefits of digital control at an analog price point…

  • New
    AOV-10 Robotic Orbital Sander

    AOV-10 Robotic Orbital Sander

    The ideal robotic solution for surface preparation and finishing.

  • 83 Series Galvanometers

    The industry standard. Always fast, always reliable, and available with a huge range of mirror and coating options.

  • New
    Axia Force Torque Sensors

    Axia Force Torque Sensors

    Expanded series of easy-to-use Force/Torque Sensors supporting a broad range of applications.

  • New
    CGV Compliant Angle Grinder

    CGV Compliant Angle Grinder

    Provides an automated alternative to grinding and finishing by hand.

  • CRS Resonant Scanner

    Ultra fast realtime scanning up to 12 Khz in a compact package. The mainstay of ophthalmic and other ultrafast scanning…

  • Denali Drive


    The smallest servo drive in the market.

  • Everest S NET

    Everest S

    The most power-dense servo drive on the market.

  • New
    GBX Tool Changer

    GBX Tool Changer Module

    Provides up to 10 Gigabit Ethernet for safe and reliable transmission of high-speed data for Industry 4.0 utilities.

  • gem532

    The 532nm DPSS laser of choice for OEM high performance applications in a small, highly robust form factor.

  • Liberty MDrive

    Our latest, most advanced, intelligent integrated motors

  • New
    MC-50 Manual Tool Changer

    MC-50 Manual Tool Changer

    Provides a simple solution for quickly changing robotic end-of-arm tooling by hand.

  • Mini 43LP Force Torque Sensor

    Mini43LP F/T Sensor

    An ultra-thin Force/Torque Sensor uniquely suited for smaller automated applications.

  • Movia 2 Axis Laser Scan Head

    Our most cost effective 2-axis laser scan head featuring a compact, robust monoblock design

  • QC Robotic Tool Changer

    QC-29 Robotic Tool Changer

    Unlock productivity for smaller robots with quick and automatic exchange of robotic tooling.

  • taccor POWER femtosecond laser

    The highest power version of our world class taccor femtosecond laser, designed and tuned to offer the highest power for…

  • ti Laser Series – 60-100 Watt CO2

    Power, performance AND reliability from an air-cooled CO2 laser? Welcome to our ti series – the workhorse of industry!

  • Ultra IncOder

    Our most rugged encoders, ultra-accurate.

  • New
    Denali Safe NET

    Denali Safe

    The smallest, most power-dense servo drive ever, now available with Certified Functional Safety.

  • New

    Firefly 3D

    The ultimate 3 axis laser beam scanner for metal additive manufacturing, precision foil cutting and much much more…

  • Aura Optical Encoder


    Our latest, most advanced optical encoder technology in the smallest footprint available.

  • New

    Precession Elephant III

    Meet the 3rd generation of our mighty 5-axis laser beam scanner! Leading the way in zero taper micro drilling applications!

  • New
    CO2 Laser Sub System Product

    CO2 Laser Sub System

    Our very latest all-in-one laser sub subsystem package especially for marking, coding and packaging applications!

  • IncOder CORE

    IncOder Core

    A featherweight, rugged inductive sensor.

  • New
